

Following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, re_Vision immediately looked for a way to respond. Under Jared’s leadership, re_Vision partnered with multiple other design schools and non-profits to host the Arkansas Summit. It was out of this discussion that the CITYbuild Consortium of Schools was formed. 

The CITYbuild Consortium of Schools was a collective of national university-based programs working cooperatively to address the community rebuilding challenges of New Orleans. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the destruction of the city’s physical, social and cultural fabric left a vast and complex problem necessitating progressive strategies for collaboration and exchange at an unprecedented level. The schools comprising the CITYbuild Consortium recognized the opportunity to have significantly greater influence and impact through combined efforts, coordinated initiatives and cooperative exchange of information and resources. 

Gloria’s Cafe is an example of just one of these efforts. In a city defined by communities, Gloria’s is an establishment that has shaped the Gerttown neighborhood. It quickly became apparent to the CITYbuild team, that Gloria’s was going to be central to any effort to revive Gerttown. 

The CITYbuild member school the University of Arkansas School of Architecture 5th year studio took on the renovation of the cafe under the leadership of Project Manager Jared Hueter. The scope of the project included the renovation of the kitchen, dinning area, and adjacent living quarters. 

As Project Manager Jared successfully advocated City Council for a permanent spot zoning change, coordinated communication with the client, reviewed designs, organized studio site visits, managed the demolition and new construction.